South African AIDS Directory
The Overall purpose of this directory is to facilitate networking and referral as key components of the National response to HIV / AIDS.

AIDS Action Group
An NGO committed to assisting people with HIV and AIDS.

AIDS Bulletin
The AIDS Bulletin is a quarterly newsletter on HIV / AIDS and related issues published by the Medical Research Council. This site has recent issues from 1999.

AIDS Consortium
The AIDS Consortium is a network of over 300 organisations, many community-based, and over 200 individuals.

AIDS Foundation of South Africa
The AIDS Foundation of South Africa is a funding agency seeking to identify and develop initiatives which reduce the impact of AIDS in under-resourced communities.


AIDSLINK focuses on statistics, fundraising and HIV / AIDS awareness.

CASE - Community Agency for Social Enquiry
CASE is a research NGO, focusing on socio-economic and policy research from a development perspective in support of the democratic transformation of the country.

Children in Distress
CINDI is an informal consortium of NGOs that works with children affected by HIV/AIDS.

South African news agency dedicated to producing news and analysis for the media regarding health policy and practise.

Health Systems Trust
Health Systems Trust is a dynamic independent non-government organisation established in 1992 to support the transformation of the South African health system. HST supports the current and future development of a comprehensive health care system through strategies designed to promote equity and efficiency in health and health care delivery.

Love Life focuses on educating youth about sexual behaviour and risk. This site gives information on loveLife programmes.

Margaret Sanger Centre International South Africa
MSCISA provides technical assistance to strengthen reproductive health services to women, men and adolescents, promotes sexuality education throughout Africa, and advocates reproductive freedom for all individuals.

Medical Research Council of South Africa
The MRC aims to improve the health status of South Africans through excellence in scientific research.

National Progressive Primary Health Care Network (NPPHCN)
NPPHCN is a national non-government health advocacy organisation promoting collaboration, participatory research and policy formulation, and appropriate training and organisational development.

Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa (PPASA)
PPASA provides leadership in sexual and reproductive health and rights, recognising this as a keystone to gender equity and sustainable development. It critiques and actively promotes sexual and reproductive health policy both nationally and internationally.

Positive Art
Positive Art seeks to highlight the challenges of HIV / AIDS in a creative and non-conventional manner by selling handmade local art, representing the red AIDS ribbon.

The Red Ribbon
Run by Metropolitan Life, this site provides a wide range of useful news and information.

SA Health Info
South African portal for HIV / AIDS information. This site is the initiative of the SA HIVAC project, which is supported by the South African Medical Research Council (MRC), the South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative (SAAVI) and the European Commission. It will also provide a platform for information dissemination by other relevant organisations and interaction among role players through open or (virtual) private discussion forums

Soul City
This site profiles the South African television series that addresses social issues in South Africa, including HIV / AIDS.

The Valley Trust
The Valley Trust offers education and training and associated resources in fields relating to comprehensive primary health care and sustainable development, to strengthen the capacity of individuals and communities to improve their own quality of life.

Treatment Action Campaign
TAC fights for the access to and affordable treatment for people with HIV.


The Joint UN Programme on HIV / AIDS
The programme is co-sponsored by UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, UNESCO, WHO, UNDCP and the World Bank. The global mission of UNAIDS is to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to the AIDS epidemic.

World Health Organisation

United Nations Children's Fund

United Nations Population Fund

World Bank

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
FAO addresses the impact of HIV / AIDS on development, agriculture and gender differences.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance
The International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance) is an international development non-governmental organisation. The Alliance's mission is to support communities in developing countries to play a full and effective role in the global response to AIDS.

AusAID, The Australian government's overseas aid program
Health, education, infrastructure, rural development and governance are the five priority sectors for AusAID. This site links to the organisations activities and related reports.

AVERT AIDS Education Trust
AVERT is a UK AIDS research and medical research charity, aimed at preventing people from becoming infected with HIV, improving the quality of life for those already infected and working with others to develop a cure.

Canadian International Development Agency
CIDA supports sustainable development activities in order to reduce poverty and to contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world. Working with partners in the private and public sectors in Canada and in developing countries, and with international organizations and agencies, we support foreign aid projects in more than 100 of the poorest countries of the world.

Centers for Disease Controle
Current information on HIV / AIDS, including news headlines, facts, research reports and conferences.

College of Venereal Disease Prevention
The College of Venereal Disease Prevention is a UK college that provides distance learning a taught courses on HIV / AIDS and STD prevention.

Department for International Development
DFID is the British government department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty.

European Union
Information on EU HIV / AIDS programmes and publications, conferences and special reports.

Family Health International
FHI's approach to HIV / AIDS is comprehensive, ranging from clinical trials of promising prevention methods to managing and supporting prevention and care programs worldwide.

IFH provides support to implement innovative projects which include sexual and reproductive health care.

The International Labour Organization is the UN agency with special responsibility for the world of work. Its primary objective is to promote decent work and productive employment for all, based on the principles of social justice and equality. The ILO has a key role to play in preventing the spread of the AIDS epidemic and mitigating its impact in the world of work.

Kaiser Family Foundation
Provides information on KFF's HIV / AIDS activities, as well as news, surveys and a daily HIV / AIDS report.

Population Services International
PSI programs encourage healthful behaviour and increase the availability of health products and services at prices low-income people can afford.

The Reproductive Health Outlook (RHO)
The Reproductive Health Outlook (RHO) website provides up-to-date summaries of research findings, program experience, and clinical guidelines related to key reproductive health topics, as well as analyses of policy and program implications. An important objective of RHO is to help users link with quality online resources and collaborate with colleagues around the world.

The FUTURES Group International
FUTURES works in countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Near East to improve the policy environment for effective programs, project the epidemic and its consequences and evaluate program effort.

United States Assistance in Development
USAID works in Africa to assist initiatives that foster development, peace and prosperity


AEGIS HIV / AIDS Information on the net
The largest HIV / AIDS web site in the world updated hourly.

AIDS Research Information Centre
A directory of academic, activist, and government resources and publications; an ARIC medical information service.

Provides a search of international AIDS organisations, AIDS-related information and news from around the world.

Demographic and Health Surveys
Provides information and research on population, health and nutrition.

Global Focus Films
Links to HIV / AIDS sites related to the film industry.

HIV In Site
An extensive compilation of country information, statistics, adherence research references, ethical issues, positive living and other tools.

HIV/AIDS information index
This Harvard University site provides links to HIV / AIDS information, research centres, publications and other resources.

International AIDS Economic Network
The International AIDS Economic Network (IAEN) provides data, tools and analysis on the economics of HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment in developing countries, for cost-effective responses to the global epidemic.

Internet Grateful Med
Access to AIDSLINE, MEDLINE and other search engines.

Johns Hopkins University Centre for Communications Programmes
Pioneers in the field of strategy, research-based communications for behaviour changes and health promotion.

Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
A peer-reviewed biomedical periodical, official publication of the Staff Society of Seth G. S. Medical College and K. E. M. Hospital, Mumbai, India, indexed with MEDLINE and EMBASE with free full-text access to articles from basic and clinical sciences.

MEASURE Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use Results
Examines the impact of a wide range of activities to improve human health and well-being, with a focus on family planning, maternal and child health and nutrition, and the prevention of HIV / STIs.

Panos AIDS Programme
Features publications, media briefings and feature articles on the social, psychological and economic causes and consequences of HIV / AIDS in the developing world.

Strategies for Hope
Features a series of books, videos and a training package designed to disseminate information about practical strategies of HIV / AIDS care, support and prevention in developing countries

Teaching AIDS at Low Cost (TALC)
TALC supplies teaching aids and books to raise standards of health care worldwide and runs courses for health workers from or working in developing countries.

The Body
Index of articles from AIDS Treatment News dating from 1997 to the present, links to conferences and government sites.

The Communication Initiative
Provides news on various AIDS-related issues, links to other sites and information and chat forums.

The Measurement Group
The Measurement Group LLC is a consulting firm in Los Angeles, California, that specializes in the evaluation of healthcare and social programs, applied research, data mining, and the development of methods and data collection methods to measure program success.

The Synergy Project
Synergy's on-line documents and links are a useful resource on program management and policy development at many levels.

Training and Research Support Centre
Provides full text publications on research in Zimbabwe.

International Centre for Research on Women
Based in Washington DC, ICRW conducts studies and projects on various issues related to women.


AIDS Law Project
Based at the University of the Witwatersrand, this organisation operates according to the principles set out in the UN International Guidelines on HIV and Human Rights to combat discrimination against PWAs.

Centre for the Study of AIDS
Programmes and research from the University of Pretoria. The Centre has been developed to ensure that the University as a whole is able to plan for, and cope with, the impact that HIV / AIDS is likely to have on the institution and the tertiary sector as a whole.

DramAidE, a project based at the University of Zululand, uses participatory drama and other interactive educational methodologies to control the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Graduate Programme in Cultural and Media Studies
The Graduate Programme for Cultural and Media Studies (CMS), University of Natal, Durban offers Masters and PhD research courses in public health communication. These courses are offered in association with DramAidE and Cadre.

Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division
Located at the University of Natal, Durban, HEARD undertakes academic and applied research into the economic, development and social impacts of HIV / AIDS. The organisation undertakes academic teaching in health economics related to HIV / AIDS, provides training workshops for senior professionals concerned with planning for the impacts of the HIV / AIDS epidemic, and organises conferences and symposia to identify ideas and strategies and review interventions dealing with the HIV / AIDS epidemic.

The Centre for Health Policy (CHP)
CHP does independent, multi-disciplinary health policy research and development. Located within the Department of Community Health of the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.

SHARP - Students' HIV and AIDS Resistance Programme
Students AIDS programme at the University of Cape Town.


Africa Health
The African Studies Centre of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States have this page as part of their web site with articles relating to various impact of the AIDS epidemic on Africa.
List of online agencies related to African health issues.

African Medical and Research Foundation
AMREF's mission, in partnership with communities, governments and donors, is to improve health care among the poor in African through service delivery, training and research.

INTRAH East / Southern Africa
Based at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, INTRAH assists countries in various stages of development to improve the delivery of reproductive health services through improved preparation and utilization of their human resources.

Southern African AIDS Information Dissemination service (SAfAIDS)
Capacity building prevention, awareness, publications.